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Sefton Council's Letter to DfT

Following on from the recent press coverage of this story, we wanted to share Sefton Council's letter to the Department of Transport in full.

It was jointly written by Deputy Leader Cllr John Fairclough (Cabinet Member for Locality Services) and Cllr Daren Veidman (Cabinet Member for Planning and Building Control) and was addressed to Trudy Harrison MP.

This is the Transport Minister we wrote to late last year, asking for her intervention in our situation, as her remit includes the decarbonisation of transport, transport and the environment (covering air quality), and the future of transport, including freight.

We believed this meant she was perfectly positioned to help us.

We specifically asked for the reply not to be delegated, but (of course) it was, leading to this response.

Sefton's letter reaffirms their opposition to the plans and touches on some of the key issues. If and when a response is received, we will share this too.

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