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  • Writer's pictureSave Rimrose Valley

What are we calling for?

It’s a little over two years since Highways England announced its preferred route for the A5036 Port of Liverpool Access Scheme: a dual carriageway through Rimrose Valley and the destruction of our urban country park.

This obviously means that our campaign is also a little over two years old.

In this time, we’ve learned an incredible amount about the damage that roadbuilding on this scale and the HGVs it would support cause to the environment, people and ultimately, the planet.

Our campaign has evolved from a simple “No Road!” message, or even “We want a tunnel!” to something that is much more far-reaching and – we hope – a force for good.

So, we’ve taken stock of where we’re at, looked at your responses to our own consultation and incorporated our work with organisations such as the Campaign for Better Transport; Friends of the Earth and the Campaign to Protect Rural England to come up with some clear goals to let people know what we are all about.

We wanted to share these with you.

Above all, we wanted to say that we believe our campaign – and it’s all of ours – is working.

Highways England is years behind schedule and plans for the road have become toxic, with little or no public support.

This road is not a formality, or ‘a done deal’.

Other options do exist.

We were just never given any.

Everyone has a part to play in properly engaging with our communities to not only protect what we’ve got, but to make it better.

These are the things we are calling for...

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