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The case for shifting road spending to sustainable travel

Every now and again, we come across a news story, or an article which is so aligned with how we think and our campaign’s goals, it not only offers hope, but also begs the question; why don’t those in power possess the same ability to think differently, to be bold and to find another way of doing things?

This is one of those articles.

Transport for Quality of Life is an organisation which “…aims to promote a transport system that is both more sustainable environmentally and more beneficial to society.”

That’s “Transport” and “Quality of Life” in the same sentence?

Sounds good, doesn’t it?

Its clients include the Campaign for Better Transport, the Campaign to Protect Rural England and Friends of the Earth, with whom we already work closely. It is no surprise that such respected, progressive organisations would want to work with a group which puts sustainability at the forefront of everything it does.

It is perhaps more surprising that another of its clients is the Government’s own Department for Transport.

This begs another, more obvious question.

With access to this kind of information, what exactly will it take for our Government to realise what many observers already know?

Building more roads simply doesn’t have the desired outcome.

But you don’t have to take our word for it.

Have a read of the following study, which is fully researched and referenced. This isn’t just ‘finger in the air’ stuff.

Bringing this back to Rimrose Valley… even though the proposed road is being delivered primarily to address the anticipated increase in HGV traffic to and from the newly expanded Port of Liverpool, the reality is that this is only part of the problem.

Excessive car use and historic under-funding of public transport each play a huge part in the issues we have on our roads today.

This has to stop.

We need those in power to adopt the same mentality and vision shown in this article, before it’s too late.

To view the article in full, please click here:

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