As you may already be aware, Highways England are due to hold two public information sessions on the status of their plans to bulldoze Rimrose Valley Country Park in order to build a road to support the increase in HGV traffic to and from the Port of Liverpool.
These events will be held on:
Tuesday 22 October 2019 between 2pm and 8pm
at the SING Plus Centre, 53 Cambridge Road, Seaforth, Liverpool, L21 1EZ; and
Thursday 24 October 2019 between 2pm and 8pm at The Park Hotel, Dunnings Bridge Road, Liverpool L30 6YN
They also intend to start drilling boreholes on Rimrose Valley in the near future.
This information was contained in their latest newsletter, which can be viewed here:
Showing our opposition to these plans is essential in order to keep the pressure on Highways England and to force the Government to consider non-road, sustainable solutions to the issues we are facing.
We are therefore calling on everyone to attend these sessions wherever possible, to reject a road solution and to join us for demonstrations outside each event.
We will also be protesting once work commences on Rimrose Valley itself. More information on that once details have been confirmed.
You can read our response to the newsletter by clicking here.
These sessions and the proposed work on Rimrose mean that Highways England are ramping up their efforts to try and force this road through.
We need everyone to stand up and be counted, so we hope that you will join us for our demonstrations.
Thanks to all of you for your support so far... it IS making a huge difference.
In the meantime, here are some really simple things you can be doing to help support the campaign:
1) Have YOUR say in our online poll. We'll use your responses to demonstrate the level of opposition to these plans.
2) Help us to cover our costs by donating to the campaign. Every penny makes a difference.
3) Tell the Secretary of State for Transport what you think by contacting them. They need to know all about Rimrose Valley and the communities around it before they sign off plans to destroy it.
4) Sign our petition on It only takes a minute and is a simple way of saying 'no'!