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Our plans to protest: Update

Time is flying by and it would appear that Highways England is significantly behind schedule with its plans for a road through Rimrose Valley.

However, as we all know, contractors in high-viz have been seen around the park on and off over the past 12 months and even the occasional 4x4 has been spotted, so we need to remain vigilant and ready to protest as and when work commences.

Although we have had no indication that Highways England is due to start its exploratory work with borehole drilling across the valley, as with their Statutory Consultation, we have to assume that this time is coming.

We therefore wanted to remind everyone of our approach and to share some details with you on our plans to protest when the time comes.

Our objectives The campaignwill be holding peaceful and legal protests against the road to draw attention to the destruction of a much-loved space.

Legally, we cannot stop this work from taking place, so our focus is on raising awareness.

We hope to attract media coverage and will be taking our own pictures and videos which we will share on our website and social media pages.

If you do not want this to happen, please ensure that you are well out of shot.

How will I find out about the demonstrations?

As the work will most likely commence at short notice and Highways England has previously advised that it will not give us advance warning of this, we are unable to plan ahead. Instead, we will respond and communicate via social media, so please look out on our Facebook and Twitter pages for posts and tweets, as well as any events we create.

In fact, it will most likely be you - our supporters - who notice this work beginning, so please use social media to flag this to us and we’ll begin making plans.


As soon as we know where the drilling is taking place we will tell people to meet close by on Rimrose Valley itself.

It will be at a safe distance from any work being done.


We don’t know when work will commence.

We believe Highways England is legally obliged to notify Sefton Council who, in turn, may notify us. However, we are relying on you to be our eyes and ears on the ground.

If you see something happening, let us know straight away.

If we aren’t out protesting within minutes or hours, or even on day one, please don’t worry! It will be in hand and we’ll continue to communicate via social media.

What time?

We are trying to ensure that we can mobilise during office hours, as this is the time the work will most likely be taking place. However, we are a relatively small team and we all lead busy lives, so please bear with us.

Demonstrations are likely to last one or two hours but this will depend on people’s availability and enthusiasm!

If there is an opportunity for media coverage, particularly TV crews, we will try to work around their availability.

Signs & Banners

Please bring your homemade signs and banners! We want each demonstration to be a spectacle. Try to make your wording as bold, clear and powerful as possible so it is visible to any cameras present. Signs made by you will show that the wider public are engaged in the campaign.

We will also be bringing some campaign signs and banners, to be distributed and collected at the end of each demonstration.


Want to get something off your chest?  Now’s your chance!

Demonstrations are your opportunity to be heard!  Chants are also great for TV & Radio coverage, so please think of some good ones

Want to help us?

If you’re willing and able to help us to coordinate protests during weekdays especially, please email and we will be in touch.

Finally, some guidance to keep everyone safe and legal…


  • Join us to show your opposition

  • Have your say - make a lot of noise

  • Bring your banners and placards

  • Stay for the duration

  • Stay within the law


  • Harass, harm, intimidate or break the law – legally we can’t stop the work taking place

When the time comes, we look forward to seeing you on Rimrose Valley.

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