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Hundreds turn out in opposition to proposed road through Rimrose Valley

Updated: Jul 31, 2018

Rimrose Valley Friends held their first mass public protest against plans to build a dual carriageway through a much-loved country park in North Liverpool on Sunday, 20th May.

Members of the public gathered at the Beach Road entrance at 10:00 am on a glorious Sunday morning, before walking out and back along the length of Rimrose Valley. They brought with them their home-made signs and banners and came from each of the communities which surround the popular country park.

Children, parents and grandparents turned out in huge numbers to unite in opposition to Highways England’s plans to destroy one of the last remaining pieces of wild green space in South Sefton.

Stuart Bennett of the Save Rimrose Valley Campaign Team thanked everyone for giving up their Sunday morning to show how much Rimrose Valley means to them. Afterwards, he said:

“Today’s event has exceeded everyone’s expectations. Over two hundred people, stretching as far as the eye could see along the valley was a sight to behold. It demonstrates how much opposition there is to Highways England’s ill-conceived plans to bulldoze this very special place.The community’s answer to Highways England’s highly damaging plans has been emphatic.

“Today was just the first step in what will be a long and highly vocal fight against this mad road plan.

“Our message to Highways England remains the same. Go back to the drawing board to thoroughly explore other less damaging alternatives and to find more money to do a proper job. Above all, show some respect to the health and wellbeing of the people in this area of North Liverpool and the environment in which we live. We aren’t going anywhere until this happens.”

More protests and public events will be held throughout the year. In order to hear about these, we are asking everyone to sign up to our website and to follow us on our social media channels. Full details below.

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