As you probably already know, we are holding our 'Hands Across The Valley' event on Saturday the 29th of September from 10am.
Just so that you've got a tick-list of what's happening on the day, here's an itinerary for you.
9:45am:The 'Liver Drummers' will be performing, welcoming everyone to the event.
10:00am: A Welcome and a campaign update from Rimrose Valley Friends.
10:05: A few words from each of our guest speakers including:
Bill Esterson MP
Helen Rimmer - Friends of The Earth
Councillor Paul Cummins - Sefton Council
Chris Todd - Campaign for Better Transport
10:25am: Event instructions from Rimrose Valley Friends. 10:30am - 11:00am: The public form a heart shape on Glenwyllin Field. 11:00am - 12:00pm: The public to link 'hands across the valley' along the main path.
12:00pm: Event ends.
The Cookson’s Bridge pub is kindly laying on refreshments after the event for supporters and all are very welcome.
Important Information:
The event will be filmed and photographed by drone and on the ground Exact timings and details of the event may change.
Adverse weather may limit the drone filming opportunities and plans will be amended accordingly.
Extreme weather conditions may lead to the cancellation of the event. Please check our website and social media accounts on the morning for any announcement.
As there are no parking facilities at this location, we encourage everyone attending to use public transport or to travel on foot or by cycle wherever possible.
Thank you for your co-operation. We look forward to seeing you there, and thanks for your continued support.