After attending a recent presentation on crowdfunding in Sefton and meeting some interesting people, we had a crazy idea. To create a huge wildflower meadow on Rimrose Valley.
Rimrose Valley Friends wants to do something positive, to enhance our environment.
The project "Bees, Blooms and Butterflies" is being planned in conjunction with Sefton Council and the National Wildflower Centre and – if we raise our target amount – would be located on the “Chaffers Field” area of Rimrose.
One hectare in size (the size of an international rugby pitch, so we’re told) it will not only be a beautiful meadow with an array of wildflowers, but also a brand new habitat to attract bees and other insects which are in decline and even facing the threat of extinction.
BUT to do this, we need YOUR help!
The project is being managed via ‘Spacehive’ a crowd-funding platform, with a difference. The difference is that it is backed by various funders who, if they see that there’s a real appetite for this in our community, may award grants to enable us to hit our target. This means that we aren’t asking you for every single penny, just however much you can afford in order to show your support and get things moving.
We have set ourselves the goal of trying to deliver the meadow this year. After all, we do not know how long Rimrose will exist in its current form.
This is extremely ambitious and means that we need to raise almost £5,000 in just over a month in order for preparatory work to take place and seeds to be sewn.
All we are asking for is your support by giving what you can in the hope that other funders will recognise the community’s desire to do this and help us to deliver this project.
If our target isn’t hit, you will not be charged a penny.
To find out more, and to make a pledge towards the target, please click on the link below.
Thank you!