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Manchester Civil Justice Centre

Demonstration at Judicial Review, Manchester

Join us for the day at 7:30am sharp as we head by coach to the Judicial Review at Manchester High Court on Tuesday, 23rd October, where Sefton Council will be making the legal case that Highways England must go back to the drawing board.

Demonstration at Judicial Review, Manchester
Demonstration at Judicial Review, Manchester

Time & Location


Manchester Civil Justice Centre, Manchester M60 9DJ, UK

About the event

Join us for the day at 7:30am sharp as we head by coach to the Judicial Review at Manchester High Court on Tuesday, 23rd October, where Sefton Council will be making the legal case that Highways England must go back to the drawing board.

We will be there to show our support for Sefton Council’s position, to demonstrate and to say enough is enough to the Judge, the lawyers, Highways England, the government and the nation.

Everyone is welcome, young, old and everything in between. Rimrose Valley Friends is subsidising the cost of the coach, so tickets will be £5.50 each, payable in full at the time of ordering your ticket. If the cost represents a problem for you but you are passionate about protecting Rimrose Valley so really want to be there, please email and as long as there are still tickets left we will see how we can help.

How do I get tickets?

We are using EventBrite to manage ticket sales. Click on the Tickets link below to go to the site.

When you have your tickets, head to one of two pick up points by 7:30am on Tuesday, 23rd October, 2018:

1. The bus stop on Church Road (Tesco side) and opposite KFC 2. Plaza Cinema, 13 Crosby Rd North, L22 0LD

Our demonstration will be peaceful, respectful and family-friendly. We will have placards and banners but you are encouraged to bring your own! We will show that we are normal, everyday people who are not prepared to standby any longer and watch our essential green space and remaining fresh air be snatched away from us and future generations, without any thought or care for the consequences we’ll be left to suffer after Highways England has moved on.

Friends of the Earth will be there too in solidarity with us, so we’re going to have a great and positive day of meaningful protest.

Please note that it will be an early start and could be a long day as we want to be present before, during and after proceedings to ensure that we secure as much impact and media coverage as possible for our campaign. The return coach is booked for 16:30, but we are unable to say what time we will be back in Liverpool. Please bear this in mind when considering whether to attend. Bring what you need to be fed and watered, warm, dry and comfortable for the day. There are 49 seats available on a first come first served basis.

Thank you

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